CEPA Faculty Seminar: Gideon Rosen

Rage Against the Machine: Anger as a Political Emotion

Stuart Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University

Rogers Memorial Chapel
Sponsored by:
Center for Ethics

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About The Speaker

Gideon Rosen is the Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. He conducts research in metaphysics, epistemology, and moral philosophy and is the author (with John Burgess) of A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalist Reconstrual in Mathematics (Oxford University Press, 1997). He has published over thirty articles which have appeared in numerous highly regarded venues such as, Mind, Analysis, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, and Philosophical Review. Professor Rosen has been the recipient of many awards throughout his career, including a fellowship from the Mellon Foundation in 2002. He earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1992.


By Invitation Only