Jonathan Simon Explores Roots of Mass Incarceration in Center for Ethics 2024 Lecture

On January 19, 2024, the Murphy Institute's Center for Ethics at Tulane University commenced its 2024 Lecture Series with a thought-provoking talk by Jonathan Simon, the Lance Robbins Professor of Criminal Justice Law at the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Simon’s research delves into the intricate interplay between crime, criminal justice, and contemporary societies, as well as the historical context of interdisciplinary legal studies.

In his lecture titled “Building The Carceral Cathedral: What history can teach us about how (and how hard it is) to shrink the carceral state,” Prof. Simon dissected the origins of mass incarceration in the United States. He challenged prevailing myths—such as the notion of racial governance—that underpin our modern punitive systems. By debunking these myths, he advocates for a path toward dismantling current incarceration practices.

The audience, comprising undergraduate and law students, as well as faculty from diverse academic disciplines including law, philosophy, economics, history, and sociology, engaged deeply with Prof. Simon’s insights. The lecture, co-sponsored by Tulane’s Department of History, exemplified the intellectual vibrancy fostered by the Center for Ethics.

Remember, these enlightening public lectures are free and open to all!