Murphy Institute Announces 2015 Seed Grant Program - Deadline Extended

Application Deadline Has Been Extended To February 27, 2015

The Murphy Institute’s Center for Public Policy Research is seeking to promote extramural research in either political economy or public policy by Tulane faculty members. To promote these activities, we have limited funds available to facilitate the preparation of extramural grants. The goal of the program is to assist faculty in cultivating a base of external funding that will support their work over the long term. To find out more about the Murphy Institute’s Center for Public Policy Research, please visit our website at


The competition will be open to all Assistant and Associate Professors in the School of Liberal Arts. Faculty seeking external funds for grants in areas related to political economy-broadly construed-and public policy are encouraged to apply.

Those faculty members who received seed grants in 2014 will NOT be eligible; however, prior recipients of seed grants are eligible if they meet the required criteria.

Faculty who would like to be considered for support should submit a brief proposal (no more than two pages in length) and a vita via email to by the deadline of February 27, 2015.

The proposal should include three sections:

1. A brief description of the proposed research project (no more than 2 pages)

2. An itemized budget request

3. A specific plan for securing external support.

Budget Considerations:

Requests should not exceed $3,000 and funding should be requested to support proposal development. No equipment or personal compensation is allowed. Compensation for research assistance, data acquisition or collection, and required travel are all examples of permissible expenditures. Funds will need to be expended by September 25, 2015 or will be withdrawn.

Review And Rewards:

Proposals will be reviewed and assessed on their merit in relation to the stated goal of the program, including the potential to secure external funding, scholarly merit, and a focus on political economy or public policy. Grantees will also be required to submit a report on their research activity as well as actual or anticipated submission of external grants to the Murphy Institute by September 25, 2015.

For further information on this program, please contact Jinyoung Park at