Intercontinental New Orleans Hotel
La Salle Ball Room C, Third Floor
Sponsored by:
Center for Ethics
Cornell University and the LATAM Free Will and Responsibility Project

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David Shoemaker, organizer of the biennial New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility (NOWAR), is pleased to announce the program for NOWAR 6, below.

The workshop will take place at the InterContinental New Orleans from March 24 to March 26, 2022. This will be an entirely in-person event, so all participants and registrants must show proof of Covid-19 vaccination to attend. Registration is free, but seating is limited, so first come, first served. To register, please send an email to Professor Shoemaker at At that point, you will be put on the list to receive information about the event and accommodations.  

Please note that the schedule below remains subject to change, given that some on that program may not be able to attend.  For the most recent information, please visit Profesor Shoemaker's website, here.  He will post updates as soon as possible.  

Professor Shoemaker is a former faculty member at Tulane University, where was held a professorship in the Department of Philosophy and at the Murphy Institute from 2010 to 2021. With funding and assistance from the Murphy Institute, he founded NOWAR in 2011.  He is now a Professor of Philosophy at the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University. 

NOWAR 6 Program

10th Anniversary

March 24-26, 2022

Sponsored by Tulane University’s Murphy Institute, Cornell Univesity, and the LATAM Free Will, Agency, and Responsibility Project

All Workshop Sessions to Take Place at the Intercontinental Hotel

Lasalle Ballroom C


Thursday, March 24


4:00: Welcome and Introductory Remarks (David Shoemaker, Gary “Hoov” Hoover, Santiago Amaya, Manuel Vargas)


4:15-5:15 Juan Pablo Bermúdez (Neuchâtel & Externado), Samantha Berthelette (UCSD), Gabriela Fernandez (Duke and Uni Andes), Alfonso Anaya (University of Warsaw), and Diego Rodriguez (ICESI University), Positive and Negative Self-Control

                                    Chair: Manuel Vargas


BREAK: 5:15-5:30


5:30-6:30: Federico Burdman (Buenos Aires), “Decreased Susceptibility to Influence as a Feature of Desire in Addiction

                                    Chair: Migdalia Arcila Valenzuela




Friday, March 25


9:30-10:30: Polaris Koi (Turku), “Willpower as a Metaphor

                                    Chair: Evan Tiffany

                                    Lead Discussant: Austen McDougal


BREAK: 10:30-10:45


10:45-11:45: Sara Purinton (Penn),” Uncertain Abilities, Diachronic Agency, and Future Selves

                                    Chair: Geoff Weiss

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Facundo Alonso


BREAK: 11:45-12:00


12:00-1:00: Justin D’Arms (Ohio St.) and Daniel Jacobson (UC-Boulder), “Emotional Motivation and Evaluative Judgment: How Emotions Complicate and Compromise Human Agency

                                    Chair: Nathan Biebel

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Rachel Achs



3:00-4:00: Elinor Mason (UCSB), “False Consciousness and Fragile Agency: Towards a New Response

                                    Chair: Irene Bosco

                                    Lead Discussant: Maggie Shea


BREAK: 4:00-4:30


4:30-5:30: Sara Bernstein (Notre Dame), “Resisting Social Categories

                                    Chair: Maria Camila Castro Maldonado

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Oisin Deery


Saturday, November 6


10:30-11:30: Robert Wallace (San Luis Obispo), “Compatibilism as Non-Ideal Theory

                                    Chair: Matt Talbert


BREAK: 11:30-11:45


11:45-12:45: Emily Bingeman (Universidad de los Andes), “The Risks of Praise

                                    Chair: Justin White

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Robert Hartman



2:30-3:30: Sebastian Figueroa Rubio (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), “Negligence, Agency, and Ascription of Responsibility

                                    Chair: Sam Lundquist

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Taylor Madigan


BREAK: 3:30-3:45


3:45-4:45: Sam Murray (Duke), “Negligence and the Metaethics of Moral Responsibility

                                    Chair: Eric Brown


BREAK: 4:45-5:00


5:00-6:15: Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State), KEYNOTE: “On Having the Status ‘Responsible Person’

                                    Chair: David Shoemaker

                                    Invited Lead Discussant: Jada Twedt Strabbing


NOWAR is a biennial workshop, sponsored by the Murphy Institute at Tulane University (and, in 2021, Cornell University and the LATAM Free Will and Responsibility Project), featuring the presentation of sophisticated original research on issues roughly captured under the label “agency and responsibility.” This general area involves investigation of such questions as: What does it mean to be an agent? How (if at all) does the nature of personhood and personal identity across time bear on questions of agency? What is the nature of, and relation between, moral and criminal responsibility? What is the relation between responsibility and the metaphysical issues of determinism and free will? What do various psychological disorders (autism, psychopathy, cognitive disabilities) tell us about agency and responsibility? What is involved in the development of moral agency? What is the will, willpower, and weakness (or strength) of will? What do the results from neuroscience imply (if anything) for our questions about agency and responsibility? What is the nature of autonomy and how is it related to agency and responsibility?

Work in agency and responsibility, while more or less having a home base in the world of moral philosophy, draws from a host of cross-disciplinary sources, including moral psychology, psychology proper (experimental, developmental, etc.), political economy, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of law, legal theory, metaphysics, neuroscience, neuroethics, social norm theory, political philosophy, and more. It is unified by its focus on who we are as deliberators and (inter)actors, embodied practical agents negotiating (sometimes unsuccessfully) a world of moral and legal norms.

The Oxford University Press series Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, edited by David Shoemaker, draws on presentations from this workshop.


RSVP/Registration Required
RSVP/Reservation Info:
Ticket info
Registration is free, but seating is limited, so first come, first served.