2nd Annual Political Economy & Access to Justice Judicial Education Seminar

Strengthening Louisiana’s Justice System through Innovative, Interdisciplinary & Interactive Judicial Training

Hilton Inn Garden New Orleans Convention Center
1001 S Peters Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
Sponsored by:
The Murphy Institute

More Information

Registration is now open for Tulane University’s 2nd Annual Political Economy & Access to Justice Judicial Education Seminar (PEAJJES). Sponsored by The Murphy Institute, the seminar offers a unique experience for Louisiana judges to learn about broad principles of access to justice and how these principles interact with the economy and political process.

The PEAJJES provides a framework for judges to unpack, interrogate, and synthesize law, academic research, and lived experience in order to identify and generate best practice models for strengthening Louisiana’s criminal and juvenile justice systems.

The chronic, disproportionate representation of poor and minority citizens in Louisiana’s failing public schools and juvenile and criminal justice systems, coupled with Louisiana’s commitment, at least since the turn of the 21st century, to reforming both the practices and procedures that have resulted in Louisiana incarcerating more people per capita than any other state in the United States, inform the structure and operation of this seminar.

The seminar’s design is further distinguished by its data-driven, discussion-intensive focus. Panels and presentations are led by legislators, judges, researchers, and practitioners. Instructional content introduces participants to the most up-to-date data and research and aims toward building participants’ capacities to critically analyze and engage the relationship between data and policy in the operations of Louisiana’s justice system. Time is also built into the seminar to provide participants the opportunity to explore ways to apply lessons learned; troubleshoot issues that are distinct to their jurisdictions; and problem-solve issues that cut across jurisdictions.

Registration is free and open to Louisiana Judges. Judges traveling fifty (50) miles or greater from their jurisdictions are reimbursed travel costs. Lodging and dining expenses are covered by The Murphy Institute. For more information, or to register and review the seminar agenda, please visit https://peajjes.com/.


See description
RSVP/Reservation Info:
Register online: https://peajjes.com/online-registration/