Public Lecture: “Challenges in Creating More Humane and Equitable Policing” 

The Murphy Institute’s Center for Ethics hosted this year's second Public Lecture on March 8th featuring Beatriz Magaloni, a distinguished scholar working in the intersection of political science, criminology, and the political economy of development. As a Professor in Stanford University’s Department of Political Science and a Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), Magaloni's research addresses critical issues related to state repression, police violence, and human rights.

Unveiling the Speaker

As the director of the Poverty, Violence, and Governance Lab, Magaloni delves into the complexities of policing, particularly in the Global South. Her work extends beyond theoretical frameworks; it is deeply rooted in the lived experiences of communities affected by violence and repression.


The Public Lecture Series: A Platform for Thought Leadership 

The Public Lecture Series, hosted by the Murphy Institute’s Center for Ethics, serves as a vital platform for intellectual exchange. It brings together scholars and practitioners from a broad field of intellectual and professional disciplines and concerned citizens to engage with pressing ethical questions. Magaloni’s inclusion in this series underscores the urgency of her research and its relevance to global conversations on policing and human rights. The Public Lecture series is free and open to the public


“Challenges in Creating More Humane and Equitable Policing” 

In her lecture, Magaloni explored the challenges posed to instituting more humane policing, focusing on the Global South. 


Co-Sponsorship and Collaborations

This event is co-sponsored by Tulane University’s Department of Political Science and the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR). By fostering collaboration across institutions, The Center for Ethics aims to amplify the impact of Magaloni’s work and encourage dialogue among diverse stakeholders.


Watch the Lecture