Amandine Catala
Faculty Fellow 2019-2020

Amandine Catala is an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency at University of Quebec at Montreal and a 2019-2020 Center for Ethics Faculty Fellow at the Murphy Institute. Her primary research interests are in feminist philosophy and epistemology, social and political philosophy, and philosophy of race, and include topics such as epistemic injustice, territorial rights, secession, annexation, colonialism, self-determination, indigenous issues, migration, cultural minorities, and deliberative democracy. Her work on these issues has appeared in numerous leading journals including Philosophical Studies, The Monist, the Journal of Social Philosophy, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, and Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. She received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Education & Affiliations
- Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Colorado at Boulder