- "Touch and the Medium in De Anima, Book II," Aristotle: 2400 Years, World Congress Conference Proceedings (forthcoming)
Selected Presentations
- "On the Problematic Love of Truth in Hume" 2017 American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division.
- "Dialogue with a Skeptic: Hume's Fourth Essay on Happiness" The Hume Society 44th Annual Conference.
- "Touch and the Medium in De Anima, Book II," 2016 World Congress Conference.
- "Nature and Politics in Marx's 'The German Ideology," 2016 Southern Political Science Association Conference.
- "Aiming at Virtue: Courage and Moderation in Plato's Laws, Bk. 1", 2014 Southern Political Science Association.
- "The City of Virtue: Founding Magnesia in Plato's Laws," 2013 IHS Research Colloquium.
Education & Affiliations
- B.A. in Philosophy, Tulane University
- M.A. in Philosophy, Tulane University