Nick Zangwill
Faculty Fellow 2017-2018

Nick Zangwill is Ferens Chair of Philosophy at the University of Hull and 2017-18 CEPA Faculty Fellow. His main areas of research are in aesthetics and metaphysics. He is the author of The Metaphysics of Beauty (Cornell UP, 2001), Aesthetic Creation (Oxford UP, 2007), and Music and Aesthetic Reality: Formalism and the Limits of Description (Routledge, 2015) and is co-editor of Scruton’s Aesthetics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). He has published more than 100 scholarly articles and book chapters, and his work has appeared numerous top-ranked journals, including Nous, The Journal of Philosophy, Mind, and Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. During his tenure at the Center for Ethics and Public Affairs he worked on a monograph on the concept of evil.