Oliver Sensen
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Faculty Fellow 2008-2009
Center for Ethics
(504) 862-3386
Office Address
105J Newcomb Hall

Oliver Sensen is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University. His research and teaching focus on modern philosophy and ethics, and in particular on Kant’s ethics. Professor Sensen earned his doctorate in philosophy at King’s College, University of Cambridge in 2004. He was a teaching fellow at Harvard, where he earned two teaching awards. At Tulane, he was awarded the Graduate Studies Student Association’s award for excellence in graduate teaching in 2007. Professor Sensen’s research has been funded by the AHRB in the UK as well as the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, DAAD, and DFG in Germany. He is currently completing a book on Kant’s conception of human dignity.
- Author: Human Dignity, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
- Author: Kant on Human Dignity, Berlin / NY: de Gruyter, 2011; paperback, 2016; Chinese translation, 2022
- Editor: Kant on Moral Autonomy, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- Co-editor: Respect, Oxford University Press, 2021.
- Co-editor: The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant's Moral Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2018
- Co-editor: Kant's Lectures on Ethics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 2015
- Co-editor: Kant's Tugendlehre. A Commentary, Berlin / NY: de Gruyter, 2012.
Selected Articles
- "Universal Law and Poverty Relief" in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2022.
- "How to Treat Someone with Respect" in R. Dean and O. Sensen (eds.): Respect, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 99-117.
- "Freedom and Determinism" in V. Waibel et al. (eds.): Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Kant Kongresses, forthcoming.
- "Kant's Constitutivism" in E. Schmidt and R. dos Santos (eds.), Kant's Moral Anti-/Realism, Berlin: de Gruyter, forthcoming.
- "Respect for Intellectually Disabled People" in T. Hill and A. Cureton (eds.): Disability in Practice, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
- "The 'Dialectic' of Kant's Critique of Practical Reason" in S. Baiasu and M. Timmons (eds.), Kantian Minds, Routledge, forthcoming.
- "Dignity: Kant's Revolutionary Conception" in R. Debes (ed.): Dignity, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
- "Rights" and "Dignity" in C. Wuerth (ed.): The Cambridge Kant-Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
- "Kant on Human Dignity reconsidered" in Kant-Studien 106 (2015), pp. 107-129. View on degruyter.com.
- "The Supreme Principle of Morality" in R. Clewis (ed.): Kant as Lecturer, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015, pp. 179-199.
- "Die Begründung des Kategorischen Imperativs" in D. Schönecker (ed.): Kants Begründung von Freiheit und Moral in Grundlegung III, Mentis, 2015, pp. 233-258.
- "Autonomie," and "Heteronomie" in G. Mohr et al. (eds.): Kant-Lexikon, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015.
- "Kants Begriff des Gewissens" in S. Bunke and K. Mihaylova (eds.): Gewissen zwischen Gefühl und Vernunft, Königshausen und Neumann, 2015: 126-138.
- "Universalizing as a Moral Demand" in Estudos Kantianos 2 (2014): 169-184.
- "Respect Towards Elderly Demented Patients" in Diametros 39 (2014): 109-124.
- "Moral Realism and Its Alternatives" in Dissertatio 39 (2014): 11-30.
- "Kant's Constructisivm"in C. Bagnoli (ed.): Constructivism in Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 63-81.
- "Kant on Duties Towards Other Human Beings from Respect," in: Trampota et al. (eds.), Kant's Tugendlehre, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013, pp. 343-363.
- "The Role of Feelings in Kant's Moral Thought" in Studi-Kantiani 25 (2012): 45-58.
- "Friendship in Kant's Moral Thought" in D. Caluori (ed.): The Philosophy of Friendship: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 143-160.
- "Kant" in G. Gaus and F. D'Agostino (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 103-113.
- "The Moral Significance of Autonomy"in O. Sensen (ed.): Kant on Moral Autonomy, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 262-281.
- "Kant's Conception of Inner Value" in: European Journal of Philosophy 19 (2011), pp. 262-280.
- "Human Dignity in Historical Perspective: The Contemporary and Traditional Paradigms" in: European Journal of Political Theory 10 (2011), pp. 71-91.
- "Dignity and the Formula of Humanity (ad IV 429, IV 435)" in: Jens Timmermann (ed.): Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 102-118.
- "Kant's Conception of Human Dignity" in: Kant-Studien 100 (2009), pp. 309-331.
- Chinese book ad [in Chinese]
- Kant Interview [with Cambridge University Press]
- Kant Interview [with Paul Guyer and Dan Schneider]
- Human Dignity and Human Rights [in German]