Richard Dagger
Faculty Fellow 2005-2006

Richard Dagger earned a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 1970 and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Minnesota in 1976. He is Professor of Political Science at Arizona State University, where he has taught political theory since 1976. At Arizona State he is also Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Law Program for Barrett Honors College, an affiliate member of the Department of Philosophy, and a member of the Committee on Law and Philosophy, College of Law.
Professor Dagger’s book, Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism, won the Spitz Prize of the Conference for the Study of Political Thought in 1999. With Terrance Ball, he is the editor of Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal and Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader (sixth editions currently in press). His other publications include articles on rights, political obligation, punishment, republicanism and other topics in political and legal philosophy that have appeared in the American Political Science Review, Ethics, the American Journal of Political Science, the Review of Politics, Political Studies, Criminal Justice Ethics, Law and Philosophy, and other scholarly journals and books.
He has spent his time at the Center completing a book on Political Obligation and the Problems of Punishment.
Education & Affiliations
- B.A. in Political Science, University of Missouri-St. Louis
- Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Minnesota