Siobhain Lash
Graduate Fellow 2022-2023

Siobhain Lash is a Ph.D. candidate in the Philosophy Department at Tulane University. Her interests primarily lie in philosophy, politics, and economics, applied ethics, public philosophy, and environmental ethics. Siobhain’s dissertation title is “Popular Environmental Justice Questions: A Philosophical Evaluation,” supervised by Chad Van Schoelandt.
In 2021-2022, she was an Adam Smith Fellow through the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. From 2020-2022, she was a Mellon fellow through the Mellon Graduate Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship, involved in a project with Tulane Environmental Law Clinic that incorporated philosophy, politics, and economics with environmental justice. Her article, "The Nightmare Before Christmas and Moral Responsibility," was published in Philosophy Now's December 2020/January 2021 edition and her public philosophy article, Louisiana’s Idiosyncratic Economic Incentive Programs and Cancer/Death Alley, was published in the American Philosophical Association’s Blog. In March 2022, Siobhain gave a TEDx Talk on her research, Cancer Alley: Environmental Justice, Governance, and Civic Associations. In Summer 2021, she received a Summer Writing Grant from the Mellon Graduate Program. In addition, she received the 2021 Summer Fellowship through the Mellon Graduate Program in which she worked with two undergraduate interns on local environmental justice issues. In Summer 2022, she received the 2022 Humane Studies Fellowship through the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University.
Public Philosophy Publications
- "The Costs of Climate Change," American Philosophy Association's Blog, August 11, 2022
- "The Nightmare Before Christmas and Moral Responsibility," Philosophy Now's December 2020/January 2021 edition.
- "Louisiana’s Idiosyncratic Economic Incentive Programs and Cancer/Death Alley," American Philosophy Association's Blog, Section: Public Philosophy, August 16th, 2021.
- "The Hidden Economics of Environmental Racism in Cancer Alley: An Overview," The Mellon Graduate Program in Community Engaged Scholarship(July 2021)
Selected Presentations
- "An Environmental Justice Case Study: Civic Associations and Alternative Institutional Approaches in Louisiana," APA Eastern Division Meeting, January 4-7, 2023.
- "Restoring Social Morality and Muldoon's Bargaining Model: A Case for Reparations for Environmental Injustices and Indigenous Communities," Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 6th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 3-5, 2022.
- "An Enviromental Justice Case Study: Civic Associations and Alterantive Institutional Approaches in Louisiana," Mercatus Center Markets and Society Conference, Falls Chuch, VA, October 21-24, 2022.
- "Environmental Justice, Governance, and Civic Associations in Cancer Alley," TEDx Tulane Talk, Tulane University, New Orleans, March 16, 2022.
- "Environmental Racism and Governance: A Case for an Ostromian Approach towards an Alternative Institution," Lighting Talk, The Public Philosophy Network (PPN) Sixth Conference, “Engagement, Policy, and Practice,”Online by George Mason University(October 2021).
- "The Saw III Variant," The Midwest Popular Culture Association (October 2021)
- "Environmental Racism and Governance: A Case for an Ostromian Approach towards an Alternative Institution," The Future as a Present Concern, Online International conference between National University of Ireland, Galway / Ollscoil Na hÉireann, Gaillimh; The Irish Philosophical Society / Cumann Fealsúnachta Na Héireann; and the British Society for Phenomenology (September 2021).
- "The Nightmare Before Christmas and Moral Responsibility" Popular Culture Association (June 2021)
Education & Affiliations
- B.A. in Philosophy, University of Nevada, Reno
- B.A. in Psychology with Specialization in Research, University of Nevada, Reno
- B.A. in English with Emphasis on Creative Writing, University of Nevada, Reno
- M.A. in Philosophy, Tulane University