Tulane Ethics Bowl Team Makes Strong Debut at Regional Competition

Tulane’s Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl team participated in their first regional event over the weekend of November 11th in San Antonio, Texas. Ethics Bowl is an intercollegiate competition with regional events taking place nationwide during late fall and early winter. Teams compete by engaging in discussions about complex moral issues occurring in real-world scenarios. Teams are judged based on the presentation of their arguments, their engagement with the moral dimensions of the case, and their ability to have a constructive dialogue with the opposing team.

Tulane’s Ethics Bowl team formed in the Fall of 2023 and participated in their first regional competition that same year. Team members (pictured above) Hannah Johnson, Maria Cordero, and Derrik O’Neal competed against the University of Chicago, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Oklahoma – Christian at the San Antonio Texas Regional. The team was commended for their professionalism, presentations of their formal arguments, and engagement with other competing teams. Tulane’s Ethics Bowl team plans to attend a regional event in the Fall of 2024 and is growing in membership as a result of their success in San Antonio.

For more information about Tulane’s Ethics Bowl team, contact Professor Chad Van Schoelandt, Director of the Center for Ethics and faculty sponsor of the Ethics Bowl team, or Shoshana Primak, Ph.D. student in the Department of Philosophy and current Ethics Bowl coach. Prof. Van Schoelandt can be reached at cvanscho@tulane.edu and Shoshanna Primak can be reached at sprimak@tulane.edu.