PPE 2018

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Center for Ethics

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PPE conferences are small workshop-styled conferences. Papers presented at these conferences are slated for a special issue of the journal.


Japa Pallikkathayil, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
“Consent to Sexual Interactions”

Nicolas Cornell, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Michigan

Amy J. Sepinwall, Associate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
“Hypocrisy and Complicity”

Itai Sher, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
“Disagreement, the Pareto Principle, and Conflicting Reasons”

Julie Rose, Assistant Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
“The Value of Economic Growth: Justice and the Stationary State”

Lucas Stanczyk, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University
“How Quickly Should the World Reduce Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions?”


By Invitation Only