Public Policy Working Group: Xian Liu

"Regulatory Compliance, Information Disclosure and Peer Effect: Evidence from the Mexican Gasoline Market"

Murphy Institute Post-doctoral Fellow

Lavin-Bernick Center
201-Race Conference Room
Meeting time is 12:00 – 1:00pm. Lunch will be provided. The meeting is open only to members of the Health Policy Working Group.
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Center for Public Policy Research

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About The Speaker

Dr. Liu received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013. His research interests are in environmental economics, economics of regulation, and political economics. His current research focuses on market-based environmental regulation, and the impact of transparency policies on the behavior of firms. He is also interested in using theories from behavioral economics to explain environmental behavior of firms and individuals.

In August 2006, the Mexican government implemented an information disclosure program, disclosing inspection results of all gas stations to the public through its official website. The disclosure policy assigned each inspected gas station with green, yellow, or red colors to indicate the status of compliance, minor violation, and severe violation, respectively. The paper Dr. Liu will be presenting uses station-level inspection verification data to examine whether this information spillover may trigger peer influence among regulated firms.


By Invitation Only