People Archive

Ruth Abbey Ruth Abbey

Faculty Fellow 2008-2009

Nicholas Allmaier Nicholas Allmaier

Graduate Fellow 2023-2024

James Alm

Director, CPPR Public Finance Policy Program

Christopher Ambrose, Postdoctoral Fellow Christopher Ambrose

Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2023

Jonathan Anomaly Jonathan Anomaly

Graduate Fellow 2005-2006

The Murphy Institute People Abraham Asfaw

Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-2019

The Murphy Institute People David Barksdale

Member, Board of Directors

Marla Baskerville

Graduate Fellow 2007-2008

The Murphy Institute People Anne Margaret Baxley

Faculty Fellow 2009-2010

Erica Benner Erica Benner

Faculty Fellow 2004-2005

The Murphy Institute People Melissa Beske

Graduate Fellow 2010-2011

Monika Betzler

Faculty Fellow 2012-2013

The Murphy Institute People Nathan Biebel

Graduate Fellow 2017-2018

Marc Blainey Marc Blainey

Graduate Fellow 2012-2013

Christopher Boom Christopher Boom

Graduate Fellow 2014-2015

Gwen Bradford

Faculty Fellow 2013-2014

The Murphy Institute People Jill Bradley

Graduate Fellow 2005-2006

The Murphy Institute People Elizabeth Brake

Faculty Fellow 2007-2008

Bruce Bower Bruce W. Brower

Associate Professor of Philosophy

The Murphy Institute People Eric Brown

Graduate Fellow 2018-2019

Ronna Burger Ronna Burger

Professor of Philosophy

The Murphy Institute People Amandine Catala

Faculty Fellow 2019-2020

The Murphy Institute People Eric Cavallero

Faculty Fellow 2004-2005

Suzanne Chan-Serafin

Graduate Fellow 2005-2006